Liabilty For Dog Bites
Dog owners are liable under Louisiana law for any injuries inflicted by their pets. A dog bite compensation is normally paid from the pet owner’s homeowners insurance. A dog bite attack is a deeply traumatic experience. If this has happened to you, our highly experienced dog bite attorneys are available to discuss your legal options.
Louisiana has a strict liability dog bite statute. This means that victims can recover compensation without having to prove that the owner was negligent or that the dog had a history of vicious behavior. Dog owners are responsible for any bite or injury, on or off their property, even if the animal had never attacked before.
However, you should still contact a dog bite lawyer to protect your interests. The dog owner can claim that the victim was trespassing or that the dog was provoked. Also, our injury attorneys know how to document your injuries and secure full compensation, which might include:
Costs of medical treatment
Reconstructive surgery
Permanent scarring or disfigurement
Nerve damage or physical impairment
Pain and suffering
Emotional trauma
Lost wages
Even if the pet owner is a family member or friend, you should not have to absorb the medical bills or forgo other personal injury damages. Compensation for a dog attack is paid from homeowners insurance, not directly from that person’s bank account. If you or your child was attacked by a stranger’s dog, we will pursue damages from the owner’s personal assets if he or she does not have insurance.
We are Experienced Dog Bite Injury Lawyers
Contact us at the Bono Law Film to work on your claim. We can help you assemble the claim that could get you paid for your injuries.